Tiny 1$, Sketch 7$
Chibi tba, My style, tba
Halfbody/Hips up
Tiny 2$, Sketch 12$
Chibi tba, My style, tba
Fullbody/Thighs up
Tiny 3$, Sketch 20$
Chibi tba, My style, tba
Customs FB + Flat shadows
Tiny 5$, Sketch 25$
Chibi tba, My style, tba
Flat +5$, Flat shadows +10$
Shaded +15$, Full render, +28$
+Chara ×2$, Gif tba
Scene tba, Complex fee, +5–10$


you must pay upfront.
I can receive payment as in : Paypal, Gift Cards (PlayStore, Rbx), Game items (Genshin, Hsr), Trades or Characters.
Price changes depending of the piece. Any doubts? Contact me.


when making your order:
please be specific with what you would like! ex - thighs up sketch with flat shadows, blinkie (gif) in a scene. | each thing you add will sum to the final price.


°° on things i am not so good.
human/oids flat faced anthros any gender suggestive semi nudity °gore° °anthros° °ferals° °mecha°


we can try discuss some items.
exposed sexual organs straight up or extreme nsfw really heavy gore anything i do not feel so comfortable working with


art & custom terms.
1. no modify limit on sketch, three before render, none after! (just color adjustments) ;
2. no refunds after the sketch preview. you will receive preview at sketch, lineart and colors ;
3. do not claim my art as yours, change without my consent, remove my watermark or use for AI ;
4. my art can just be used for personal purposes, unless discussed;
free games or Youtube/TikTok animations does not apply but you should credit me and please let me know too.
5. avoid hiding my art, if I sent two or more options, like PNG, with background, etc – then it's fine hiding one of the options;
6. if you post/use my art anywhere, you must credit to: kyssalami on or

designs & custom terms
1. After 1mo ghosting me, the character can be UFO ;
2. I only sell for people with and you can't sell offsite ;
3. don't do hate/offensive stuff with my designs, gore is OK and for NSFW, the char should be visibly an adult ;
4. just Resell / Trade after one full month and if you contain extra art, even if for free ;
5. don't over charge, sell it 1:1. you can just sell for real money if you spent it ;
if you sell comissions for $ and added your art – the worth added will be 50% of the og comm price. trying to avoid people getting my designs for money
6. redesigns are OK but the design needs be recognisable and I still should be credited ;
7. Never private / delete my designs (w.o warning) or sell / trade them for blacklisted users.


do not repost any of these.
want to remove your comm from here? contact.

and if you do commission me..
thank you! Inform me on our DMs about everything and if you post; don't forget to @tag me, I would love to repost and like!


most likely to answer via Disco,
and please remeber that I have a life besides drawing. The time for each piece will depends mainly on my waiting list... and obviously, on the type of your piece. If you're insecure, don't be scared to ask to see the progress I've made, I promise I don't bite!